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Flight Area

Paragliding zwoelferhorn

Mountain ZwölferhorN - St. Gilgen

The Zwölferhorn - what a mountain. In the midst of the beautiful foothills of the Alps, this jewel lies at the feet of the turquoise-blue Lake Wolfgang. In the north stands the majestic Schafberg. The large landing site above the village of St. Gilgen is also picturesque.

In order to preserve this unique flying mountain in the  infrastructure, this association was founded, which manages the take-off and landing sites and pays the alpine farmers a lease.


Every pilot who buys a daily or annual pickerl may use the club's take-off and landing sites for private purposes. This also applies to Hike & Fly pilots!

Taking off and landing on the Zwölferhorn and in St. Gilgen is only permitted on the club's designated take-off and landing sites. Launching on the Jagafleck (east) and at the Arnikahütte (south) is not permitted. We kindly ask you to respect this prohibition of the owners.


Starting place:
It may only be started towards the north (see red markings in the picture).
The yellow area (Voitlhütte starting point) may only be used if the pasture fence is not set up. This is usually set up in may and dismantled again in September. The safely startable wind directions are from NE to NW! Current wind values ​​can be found here.

Landing site:
The landing area is generous, but not to be underestimated. In spring and summer, from midday onwards, the thermals of the village and the fields are pushed to the landing site by the Brunnwind (thermal compensating wind coming from the north). Difficult conditions then prevail at the landing site! Please fly the landing volts over the landing field and not too close to the inhabited houses. The area marked in yellow in the picture is intended for packing up the equipment and is always mowed short.



In order to use the Zwölferhorn take-off sites and the landing site in St. Gilgen, you must be a member of the Association Erhaltung Fluggebiet Zwölferhorn! Daily or annual memberships can be purchased for this.

Only natural persons who do not carry out take-offs and landings with paragliders commercially are entitled to acquire such an extraordinary membership in the Association Erhaltung Fluggebiet Zwölferhorn.

All persons who want to paraglide commercially or commercially require the express written consent of the board of the Association Erhaltung Fluggebiet Zwölferhorn.

Before membership has been acquired, it is not permitted to use the take-off sites on the Zwölferhorn and the landing site in St. Gilgen.

Extraordinary membership can be purchased online in the form of a daily or annual pickerl. The purchased pickerl serves as proof in the form of the PayPal payment confirmation or transfer confirmation.

The pickerl can also be purchased in cash in the office of the flight school and the tandem companies.

The stickers are checked by the local, commissioned flight instructors and tandem pilots at the take-off and landing site.

Daily pickerl are only valid for the respective calendar day and annual pickerl for the calendar year* (note the details below!) This also applies to Hike and Fly pilots!

If the day pickerl is bought for another pilot or if you want to buy several as a group, please use the group tool. Here you can buy several daily pickerl at the same time. Please make sure that ALL pilot names are given in full!

Day Pickerl

Day Pickerl 5,00 €

Valid for the calendar day of payment. The PayPal payment confirmation with the name of the pilot serves as proof of payment.

All pilots who purchase an annual pickerl agree to the following terms:

ANNUal Pickerl

Annual Pickerl 65,00€ 

We do not send annual pickerl. The payment confirmation is also your annual pickerl. Therefore, please have your payment confirmation with you when flying on the Zwölferhorn.

All pilots purchasing an annual pickerl agree to the following terms:

Membership Validity:

- Annual pickerl are valid for the respective calendar year

- Annual pickerl purchased in November or December are also valid for the following year.

Discount for members of our local friend clubs: FlyForFun, Flying Swans and Loserflieger:

- Annual pickerl for 45.00 €

Are you a member of one of ouf friend clubs? Then we will sponsor you 20.00 € to your membership.

In this case, please transfer the 45.00 € directly to our club account:

(You can find the account details at the bottom of the page)

Purpose: Your name, second-year pickerl, name of the club


Group TOOL - Several Day Pickerl for 5,00 € each

Here you can buy several daily pickerl for 5 € each at the same time.

Valid for the calendar day of payment. The PayPal payment confirmation serves as proof of payment.

All pilots who buy a Day Pickerl has to agree to all following conditions:

Please make sure that ALL pilots' names are given in full and ALL pilots have a payment confirmation with them.



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